Mel Cone on Roe v Wade

Mel Cone, Vice President of NYC Gaymers

Today I write this statement from my childhood home. I was at the neighborhood pool, reading Audre Lorde’s biomythography, cooling off from a heated argument with my father after he informed me that Roe v. Wade was overturned. My book flipped to “The Last of My Childhood Nightmares // My Mother’s House” with this quote: “And then suddenly I realize that in this house of my childhood I am no longer welcome. Everything is hostile to me. The doors refuse to open. The glass cracks when I touch it. Even the light bulbs blow out when I switch on the light. The can-opener won’t turn; the eggbeater jams mysteriously. This is no longer my home; it is only of a past time” (Zami 199). It hit hard and was exactly what I needed to hear to walk home and write this statement.

My dad voted for Trump in 2016. I knew this was coming. I knew Trump would be elected. I remember my father telling me with a straight face that he would “vote for a monkey before voting for Hillary.” I remember the primary that was stolen from a candidate that might have had a chance to beat Trump. I remember when we were told to “Vote Blue” to protect our rights. And I remember how little any of that mattered to the people who weren’t paying attention to what was happening until it directly impacted their lives. I remember all the shock from my peers back in 2016. “How could this happen? I don’t understand.” Let me break it down for you. 

I understood what was coming, and I tried my hardest to be the best aspiring ally I could be, but I am only one person. There’s not much that one person can do in an oligarchy. We don’t live in a democracy. That’s a lie that’s been sold to us for years and years as we’ve watched politicians put money and their own interests above the people they claim to represent. An oligarchy is a government where a small group of people have control. That’s the Supreme Court, where 9 people are appointed to a position by whomever is in power and keep that job until the day they retire or die. 9 people were able to overturn a decision made by 9 different people only 50 years ago (1973). It’s also our representatives in Congress who can be elected by a simple majority. It’s also our President and Vice President who can lose the popular vote and still win the election thanks to the Electoral College.

The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade affects much more than someone’s right to an abortion. Roe v. Wade guarantees our right to privacy. This includes our right to marry who we choose. The Texas GOP just released their priorities for 2022. Right there on page 40 you’ll find “Nullify Unconstitutional Ruling: We believe the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same-sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be nullified” (Priorities 40). Obergefell v. Hodges was only in 2015. If 9 people can overturn a ruling from 1973, what’s stopping them from overturning one from 7 years ago? If you want to see what’s next after that, check out Loving v. Virginia, 1967 court decision that overturned bans on interracial marriage.

Respectability politics have gotten us nowhere. It’s time to put our money where our mouth is and actually do something other than just “Vote Blue.” We have the right to protest. Do you remember how quickly the Supreme Court moved when people found out where the justices live? They can move fast, they just don’t care unless it’s something that benefits them.

There’s so much I want to say. I want to talk about this will affect trans people’s access to abortions. I want to talk about the formula shortage, how people with money will always be able to get an aborition, all the people navigating homelessness, the people who can’t afford to feed themselves, inflation, student debt, and most importantly how all of this is not the kind of environment that people should be forced to bring an unwanted child into the world. It’s hard enough being a parent under kinder circumstances.

I hope everyone, all of our queer friends, family, loved ones, and chosen family are paying attention now. I’ll keep fighting. I hope to see you there too.

Happy Pride y’all. Rest, heal, sleep, recharge, but get back up and fight.


Texas GOP 2022 Priorities (

“‘Wonder if Loving v Virginia is next.’ Legal experts on both sides unpack Roe decision.” The Boston Globe. (

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name - A Biomythography. Audre Lorde. 


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