World AIDS Day 35th Anniversary

12/1/2023 - Robert Lopez, NYC Gaymers Co-Founder and Treasurer

NYC Gaymers joins millions of people around the world in observing World AIDS Day. This year marks the 35th anniversary of this important day, which provides a platform to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS and honor the lives affected by the epidemic.

Today is an opportunity to reflect and remember the more than 32 million people who have died from AIDS-related illnesses, the 38 million people who are currently living with HIV/AIDS and countless others around them who are affected by the impacts of living with HIV/AIDS. And let’s also celebrate the remarkable progress that has been made in the global response to HIV and AIDS, thanks to the efforts of scientists, activists, communities, and governments.

NYC Gaymers recognizes that the fight is not over. HIV and AIDS remain a major public health challenge, especially for marginalized and vulnerable populations. Stigma, discrimination, and human rights violations continue to hamper access to prevention, testing, treatment, and care. The COVID-19 pandemic has also disrupted essential HIV services and exacerbated existing inequalities.

That is why NYC Gaymers renews our commitment to doing our part to ending the HIV epidemic by 2030. NYC Gaymers will continue to:

  • Amplify the voices of people living with and affected by HIV in all of our programming.  

  • Promoting games that educate players about HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care, as well as challenge stigma and discrimination against people living with or affected by HIV. For example, Pos or Not is a game that aims to raise awareness and spark discussion about HIV among young people by asking them to guess whether a person is HIV-positive or not based on their photo and profile.

  • Collaborate with public health organizations, researchers, and community groups to design and evaluate games that are culturally relevant, evidence-based, and engaging for diverse audiences. For example, Keep It Up! is a game that uses interactive scenarios and feedback to teach men who have sex with men how to have safe sex and reduce their risk of HIV infection.

  • Produce, support and participate in campaigns and events that advocate for increased funding, access, and innovation for the global HIV response. For example, Twilight Positivity is a NYC Gaymers developed and produced panel where participants meet at the intersections of gaming culture and sexual Health, they have conversations about what it is to live HIV-affected, and how gaming has been a part of navigating their health and wellness.

On this World AIDS Day, let us remember and commit. Let us honor the past, celebrate the present, and shape the future. Let us work together to end HIV and AIDS once and for all. #WorldAIDSDay #MyVoiceMyAction #YouBelong


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