Resources for Equity
Resources for Anti-Racism, Anti-Xenophobia, and Anti-Hate
The Board of NYC Gaymers strongly believes the Y in Gaymers means "You Belong" and our belief in that message applies everywhere, for everyone.
We love and support our community members and celebrate the various other communities they are a part of.
We remind our community members that they are also allies to their fellow community members and that anti-hate is a continual effort. Keep learning, keep self-examining, keep supporting equity & restorative justice, and - most importantly - when you see hate of any form (be it overt or a microaggression): stand up against it.
We’ve compiled a list below to act as a starting point for the NYC Gaymers Community. What we have listed below should by no means be the end of your work and we encourage our community to do their own research also (use the term you’ve learned to do informed and effective Google searches).
Note: This is a new initiative and growing list and not meant to be exclusive by any means. If you have resources you’d like to share with the NYC Gaymers community, please email
Stand for:
Stand for Asian & Pacific Islander Communities
Educational perspective video “On Anti-Asian Hate Crimes - And How You Can Help“, by Xiran Jay Zhao:
Resource list, by Zenerations:
Situation updates and resource list, by unknown author:
Educational resources for anti-racism/-xenophobia, especially related to COVID-19, by Asian Americans Advancing Justice:
Report an incident, by multiple groups:
Report an incident and get additional resources, by Asian Americans Advancing Justice:
Stand for Black Communities
Stand with our Black Trans siblings every Thursday at the site our liberation: @TheStonewallProtests
Protest racism and learn anti-racism every day: @JusticeForGeorgeNYC
Stand for Indigenous Communities
Education toolkit by IllumiNative, “a national, Native-led nonprofit committed to amplifying contemporary Native voices, stories and issues to advance justice, equity and social impact.”