NYCG Event Attendee Agreement / Disclaimer
NYC Gaymers, Inc.
By registering for or attending or participating in (referred to as “participating” going forward) any event or activity (referred to as “events” or “event” going forward) associated with the NYC Gaymers, Inc. (“NYCG”), I as a registrant and / or attendee or participant (called “participant” going forward) agree to the following:
Information/Opinion Disclaimer
NYCG’s events are for the enjoyment and uplifting of the NYC Gaymers community.
Any material presented is not intended to represent the only or the best opinion or source on the subject being discussed nor does it reflect the views, beliefs, or opinion of NYCG, but rather is intended to present the opinions of the presenters, which may be helpful to participants at arriving at their own conclusions and consequent ideas / actions. Participants in events participate with full knowledge that they waive any claim they may have against NYCG and its staff or representatives related to any information or opinions presented during or related to the event.
Public Relations Agreement
Participating in the event constitutes an agreement by the participant to hereby: (1) give consent for NYC Gaymers, Inc. to use photographs or screenshots or recordings - which may include the participant’s name and / or likeness - from this event in its print, online, and video publications for promotional and public relation purposes, in perpetuity; (2) release NYC Gaymers, Inc. from all liabilities or claims that you might assert in connection with the above-described uses; and (3) waive any right to inspect, approve or receive compensation for any materials or communications, including photos, videos, website images, or written materials.
Waiver of Liability Agreement
I release NYCG, its staff, elected officials, presenters, and any other individuals or entities associated with NYCG’s events from any and all liability connected with my participation, as well as from any liability related to changes to the schedule, events, or activities. I acknowledge and agree that I am participating on my own choice and assume all risk in connection thereof, and that in the event that a need for emergency medical service arises, I authorize and consent to such services being provided at my own expense.
Any Questions Related to This Agreement…
May be directed to