NYCG Community Guidelines
NYC Gaymers Inc. empowers gamers across the intersections of orientation, identity, expression, race, and ability, in order to uplift and center our most marginalized community members through education, advocacy, and the creation of safer spaces.
NYC Gaymers’ online spaces are moderated by a team of admins that are a reflection of the community they serve. We acknowledge that there is always space for intersectionality, and that we too can be held accountable by our community members at any time as needed.
Below are our guidelines for the spaces we hold for our community, regardless of platform.
The Guidelines
1. Remember this is a community and ask yourself “who am I posting this for and why?”
WAIP: Why Am I Posting? Is what you’re posting to the group something better posted on your own Facebook page, or something that contributes to the community within the NYC Gaymers group? We want to foster discussions for all members of the group and do not wish to establish a monoculture of one identity in our community. Be mindful of others.
2. Please do not post anything overtly sexual and when discussing sex please do so universally.
This is not Grindr or OkIcarus.
NYC Gaymers is a community with a wide array of lived experiences and held identities. We ask you to be mindful of any material inclusive of sexual content, as it may be unsafe for some who enter this group while in less explicit environments. There are plenty of other groups that offer space for you to engage in mature content catering to your needs or desires, we ask you refer your posts there and keep our group E for Everyone.
3. Do not promote, sell or market anything unless you have an approval from an admin.
We do not want this group being exploited for the purposes of marketing or being seen as simply a mailing list. If you are a contributor to the community and have a demonstrable history of making conversation, we encourage you to reach out to us about an event that should be in our radar. If you do receive approval, include the name of the admin who did so or your post will be deleted. This includes any and all crowdfunding efforts. Personal fundraising efforts and businesses and or/services are not permitted.
4. This is a closed group. Please respect the privacy of members within the group.
Confidentiality is the Keyblade. Please recognize that within our space are people who wish not to be outed or may have other reasons for the sensitivity of their identity. If you would like to share a screenshot or repost content produced by someone in this group please ask the poster, commenters and admins for their permission to do so.
5. Please add “Content Warning” to your post if it includes language or content that may be harmful to community members.
If you are unsure of the appropriateness of a subject of a post, reach out to an admin or moderator.
Be mindful that violence is disproportionately high in our communities and gaming culture has a tendency to espouse toxic themes. If we do feel the need to take something down, please don’t be offended. It’s not necessarily that you did something wrong. You can always talk to us about content.
6. “Hey! Listen!” Assume Best Intentions, it’s okay to Reflect instead of Project.
Everyone wants to be heard. That goes for admins and members. Try to hear their words in a neutral tone. Look for the principle in the words, not the personality. Also, nobody is perfect. But we are all here to share our experiences and revel in our commonalities. The admin team wants to step in only in a last resort when communication breaks down, and then we prefer to be arbitrators, not police. Plus, if you listen, it’s that much easier to be heard.
If you feel you’ve been treated unfairly, and you can’t talk it out with each other, please reach out to an admin. If you feel you’ve been treated unfairly by an admin, please reach out to a (different) admin. We’re not your parents, but we’re happy to help with disputes.